Skills & Tools 🌟
Languages 🗣️
Java: Widely used for backend systems and Android apps.
Kotlin: Modern language for Android development.
Python: Ideal for AI, data science, and web development.
CSS: Brings websites to life with styling and animations.
HTML: The foundation of all web pages.
Tools & Apps ⚙️
Arduino: Open-source electronics platform for prototyping.
Blender: 3D creation suite for modeling, animation, and rendering.
Git: Version control system for tracking changes.
GitHub: Platform for hosting and sharing code repositories.
NetBeans: IDE for Java, PHP, and HTML5 development.
Android Studio: IDE for Android app development.
Spyder: IDE for scientific programming with Python.
Visual Studio: IDE for developing and debugging applications.
Download My CV 📄
To learn more about my professional journey and capabilities, kindly view my CV.